Porfolio book

Ordered my portfolio though Hartnack & Co I know people who have used there service and know the quality of service I good, back and forth emails with them I could see the level of professionalism I wanted was there, they was so committed the to their company I was receiving email on a Sunday.
I asked for for samples being I was going for a portfolio that more suited to graphic designer rather the leather one photographers normally go for this is because its more sturdy and my work mixes graphic design and photography.

I went with the charcoal grey and red. I didn't want the portfolio to be black as I don't like business cards and promo stuff to be black I prefer a dark grey. Red was chosen as the accent as it went with the cover and my work.
Hartnack & co supply the inside with a free business card holder which will be handy to keep with me when I go see photography and retouching agencies.
Blind deboss on front cover
Below are the photos of my book.
What inside looked before protective page I'm holding
Business card holder

Inside front cover red same on back
As I didn't want my book to close on an image incase it scrapes and ruins the image and wont look professional I created the simple page with my name on to protect the other first page. I think it bring the book together it felt off without it, it felt missing.  

While printing the page above the printer trashed the first sheet! but lucky I came prepared with spare.

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