Balancing Ambient Light and Flash

We had a workshop about mixing ambient light so everyday light in easy words with flash, I have been playing with these for all my project and I think how you can get different effects with adjusting your shutter speed to change the amout of ambient and aperture to change the amout of flash that gets to the sensor or film is fascinating but being I already knew how to do this it made it easier to help my group out so we didn't need our tutors help too much I didn't have to be at that workshop but It was still something I wanted to do as I might have learnt something new.
I feel leaning how to balance these two light sources are very important then you expand you skils as a photographer more, I know people who shy away from flash as they don't know how to use it but haven't taken the time to learn. Thay are limiting themselves I would rather learn and know so then I can apply the skills learnt to create more interesting and strong photography.

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