Music Video for Danger Road

Was asked by a local Norwich band called Danger Road for the girlfriend May and I to shoot a music video for them. Filming is something we both have relly wanted to start getting in to so we took this opportunity.
After finding out where the shooting location was  I know the place, I'm not going to lie I didn't get excited I was dreading it but still went along and the energy from the band was sensational I wish we had longer that 3 hours.

We started off by setting up a stationary camera had have them play the song all the way though 2 or 3 times with different light effects like it was a normal gig.
The band really wanted to show there banner off so we done a panning shot off it along with the music to create the intro which fitted perfectly.
We than done a overview shot of the drummer playing all they way though using a table and my Manfrotto 190XPRO3 as the centre column going to a 90 degree angel the issue we had with that is the weight was on one side and we didn't have any counter weights so I had to steady at the bottom of the tripod which managed to work.
While I was doing that May was getting hand held close up shots of the rest of the band playing we wanted to get a gritty handheld shots as it fitted well with the rock/metal genre of the band we also manual focused to emphasised it.
I came prepared as my camera battery died as we shot a panning in shot on a make shift dolly which was a sack barrow but I had a spare.
The lights could react to sound but the band was playing the song off a phone though Beats Pill speaker while we filmed to get a idea of how to film at parts of the song, the lights sensor couldn't pick up the speaker so we stacked a few chairs and on my camera bag we sat the Pill which worked and made shooting easier. I was concerned the two of us shooting at the same time we would get in each other's shots but it was easy not too.
Here's photos i took on my phone it is a work in progress and will upload when it is done also check out Danger Road here and Listen to the song for the music video here.

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