Magnum Contact Sheets (2014) and Gilles Peress

I like to buy photography books as they keep me inspired and thy are good to reference when planing shoot or project.
my latest is Magnum Contact Sheet the ?2014 edition? looking though i have seen some incredible images from photographer I'm inspired by to images that I haven't seen before which give me a broader knowledge of the documentary photography that was and now is.
one of the images by Gilles Peress from his 'Bloody Sunday' series (first image below) that really struck me, made me think shit because of modern-day censorship is its not something I'm not used to seeing.

While I was looking for that image to add on here I came across this image that was taken by Gilles Peress a victim of tribal violence slain  by Hutu militias in 1994 this was take i was born in 1993 to think this was happening not that long ago is scary.
It made me thing the lengths photographers can do to document events, it could not be easy to do surely for this, over 1000 refuges were killed you see most it can't be good psychological. i see what Peress was doing photographing this poor victim with the church in the back ground symbolic for god.

I don't know whats more shocking the image above or this one, it looks like it could be a mother and near teen child, you can see the mother died with her arm on the child comforting them, its so deep emotionally when i look into the image more I'm lost for words......

Discovering all this took me off topic of the book, i would recommend Magnum Contact Sheets to anyone its something you look at slowly and take in the imagery with emotion and power their designed to give.

"When I was traveling through Rwanda there was not a single sound. Not only were all the people dead, but all the animals too, everything" - Gilles Peress

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