Hey Guys Heres Last Minute Information, Love Uni xxx

One thing that has bother a lot off students is, we get last minute information that cause extra stress to already stressed out students, for example we get told that quotes count as our word count (last essay they didn't count?!?!?!) two days before out hand in, or we need to do a skill set light four days before hand in.
Our last essay we had to do we got information of importance a week before it due in and similar with the current, WHY ISN'T THIS A MORE PRIORITY TO AVE ALL THE IMPORTANT LECTURES FIRST!!!!!

Luckily I have finished my essay but i know people who hasn't with nearly less that 24 hours till hand in, thats likely their fault for leaving it so late. but at the start if we was pushed to get a draft done most would have their essay done earlier.

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