The Big Book Crit

Needing to get my portfolio checked over (like Anie suggested at the What Next event previously mentioned) I signed up to a event called The Big Book Crit that was being hosted by the university. At the time I didn't have a printed portfolio but I created a digital in the form of a PDF the lay out was the same as what I will be printing so I can get feedback on the digital and the print layout.

I was on edge at the event being in a room full of creative directors and photographers to look at my work and me talking about it, previously mentioned by tutors I talk more passionately about my work since I have worked towards my interests after changing direction just before christmas but this will be a test of my work, my confidence, ability to talk about my work to people I have never met before, and my networking skills.

In 1-1 I have had issues with my computer not working or being very slow to start with I avoided this issue by have my laptop ready in a working order before I see someone.

The first two people I saw were commercial photographers (need to find the name of) the notes I took are as followed

  • Create editorial sets and send to magazines
  • Exhibit the Tokyo images
  • Work was positively received
  • Suit the context of Japan
  • I show passion in what I do
  • The work is different, work separate and together showing coherence
  • I should live in Japan
Next I saw David Lloyd, the director of Naked Marketing

  • Lloyd loved my work being a graphic designed I could get his reactions to the graphics I added on the images, he didn't give any negative reviews one images particularly he seemed to have like the graphics which give me confidence
  • Again I show passion with my work
  • I seem to be my own person not someone to be bossed around so perhaps focus on my own work not assisting
  • Every image has been thought about and a reason to them
  • My work is out there unlike who I who I come across as (so dempa is perfect to describe my work)
It went so well with Lloyd we exchanged details!

Next I saw Bobby who gave me great information about getting work particular on my last point

  • Business cards diminish the photographers work being so small postcards or booklet better to showcase
  • need to find clients I think my work suits and send images
  • I have a niche style and subject which isn't a bad thing but need to decide if I mind working different for clients or not as Im not likely going to get local work in Norwich
  • Mind my edges on my digital porfolio make sure images are right to the edge, look at doing a full page bleed.
Finally I saw Neil Wright and Jen Napolitano of Osbornenash

  • Loved the work
  • Loved the graphics
  • Feel I have too much a niche
  • Apply my theme and style to other area like still life to broaden myself a little
  • keep shooting my passion
  • move to Japan if I have too.

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