Message To Benjamin Von Wong

Hi Von Wong, I hope this email finds you well.

Im a year two photography student, getting insight on the industry.
I really love your work the epic look of you images always wows me!! I cant narrow down to one series.
I find the use of fire in your photography exciting inspiring me to try some (with a trained pyro technician).

I was hope you could answer a couple of questions for me?

I wanted to know how much retouching you do in your photography, I know you have mentioned before exposure of fire and subject are produced in camera?

How long do the time average from starting to shoot to getting images you’re happy with?

How did you learn to retouch, what was your best source?

Finally what would you recommend for a student to get my work exposure?

Thank you for your time, I cant wait to see the next work you produce,
All the best

Jason Cleaver

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